
What Animal Is In The Smelodon Family

Smilodon is an extinct genus of machairodont felid. It is one of the most famous prehistoric mammals, and the all-time known saber-toothed cat. Although commonly known as the saber-toothed tiger, it was non closely related to the tiger or other modern cats. Smilodon lived in the Americas during the Pleistocene epoch. The genus was named in 1842, based on fossils from Brazil. Three species are recognized today: S. gracilis, Due south. fatalis, and S. populator. The ii latter species were probably descended from Due south. gracilis, which itself probably evolved from Megantereon. The largest drove of Smilodon fossils has been obtained from the Rancho La Brea Tar Pits in Los Angeles, California.

Smilodon fatalis/Smilodon populator/Smilodon gracilis

Animals in Locations
Asiatic Striped Squirrel • Bengal Tiger • Indian Runner DuckMarsh CrocodilePlain Parakeet • Striped Hyena • Tiger Ophidian
Armadillo • Anaconda • Amazon River Dolphin • Amazon Weasel • Ahaetulla NasutaAnteaters • American Crow • African Wood Elephant • BeeBaltimore Oriole BirdBluebirds • Cougar (Puma) • ChinchillaCaiman Crocodile • Craven • CondorCapuchin Monkey • Coyote • Crab • Capybara • Crested PorcupineCotton fiber-Top Tamarin • Domestic Duck • Deer Mouse • Dullard • Emerald Tree Boa • Eastern Lubber Grasshopper • Eastern Cottontail • European Rabbit • Flat-Backed Spider TortoiseFlying FoxesGray HawkGiant Line-fishing Spider • Dark-green Iguana • Grayness Play a trick onGray RatsnakeGossamer-Winged Butterflies • Grizzly Bear • Harpy Eagle • Howler Monkey • Jaguar • Kinkajou • Ladybug • Leptictidium • Mitchell'southward Rainforest Snail • Monarch Butterfly • Maned Wolf • Morpho ButterflyMullet Fish • Metridiochoerus • N American River Otter • New World WarblerOgygoptynx Owl • Orinoco Crocodile • Sumatran Orangutan • Pygmy Marmoset • Philippine Flight LemurQueen (Butterfly) • Crimson-Eyed Tree Frog • Rufous Hummingbird • Russian Tortoise • Ring-Tailed Lemur • Sloth • Spider Monkey • Spectacled Bear • Ruddy Macaw • S American Coati • Southward American Tapir • Sumatran Rhino • Striped Skunk • ToucansTree Frogs • Tarantulas • White-Lipped Peccary • WoodpeckerWhite-Crowned SparrowWhirligig Beetles • White-Tailed Deer •
Andrewsarchus • ChinchillaCreech OwlEurasian Cavern LionsGray Pull a fast one onGlowworm • Lilliputian Brown Bat • Megabat • Ring-Tailed Lemur • Short-faced Bears • Toxodons • Titanis
Alpine Grass
Cougar (Puma) • Clydesdale Horse • Coyote • Maned Wolf • Southern Ostrich • Yellow-Billed Cuckoo • White-Tailed Deer •
Amazon River Dolphin • Australian Green Tree Frog • Andean Mountain Cat • Arabian Ostrich • Alpaca • Cougar (Puma) • ChinchillaCondor • Coyote • Colorado Chipmunk • Greyness-Bellied Mount Rat • Gold Guernsey • Guanaco • Flamingo • Jaguar • Komodo Dragon • Llama • Mississippi Light-green Watersnake • Mountain Gorilla • Mountain Beaver • Prairie Falcon • Orinoco Crocodile • Turkey Vulture • VicuñaWhistling Ducks • White-Tailed Deer • White-Tailed Eagle
Fiddler Crab • North American River Otter • Orinoco Crocodile • Platypus
Flamingo • Orinoco Crocodile • Seahorses
Amazonian Manatee • Blue Ocean StarButterfly Ray • Bottlenose Dolphin • Blue-Ringed Octopus • Caribbean area Reef Shark • Clownfish • Colossal Squid • Green Body of water Turtle • Behemothic Pacific Octopuses • Bang-up White Shark • Humpback Whale • Hawksbill Sea Turtle • Hammerhead Shark • Caribbean area Hermit Crab • Lion's Mane Jellyfish • Leatherback Bounding main Turtle • Orca • Pygmy Seahorse • Squid • Sperm Whale • Shore CrabsSeahorsesStarfish • Body of water Otter • Sea Krait • Whale Shark
South Pole
Adélie Penguin • Arctic Pull a fast one on • Chill Tern • Bluish Whale • Beluga Whale • Chinstrap Penguin • Emperor Penguin • Eared Seal • Gentoo Penguin • Macaroni Penguin • Machairodus • Polar Bear • Laughing Dupe • Reindeer • South Polar Skua • Snowy Owl • Walruses
Artic Circle
Polar Bear •
Green Land
Brontoscorpio Anglicus • Desert Kingsnake • Domestic Bactrian Camel • Camel • Fennec Play a trick on • Giant Hairy ScorpionLong-Eared JerboaSeagull • Sand True cat • Speckled Greatcoat Tortoise
Desert Cactus
Cape Porcupine • Coyote • Cougar (Puma) • Desert Iguana • Desert Cottontail • Grayness FoxPrairie DogPampas True cat • Ring-Necked Pheasant • Roadrunner • White-Lipped Peccary •
Bottomland Hardwood
GooseRed-Shouldered Hawk
African Elephant • African Bush-league Elephant • African Panthera leo • African Cheetah • African Dwarf Frog • African Grey Hornbill • African Leopard • Aardvark • Aardwolf • African Helmeted Turtle • African Golden Wolf • African Wild Dog • African Wildcat • African Stone Python • American Cockroach • Ant • African Buffalo • African Clawless Otter • African Black Duck • African Hawk-EagleAfrican Harrier-HawkAgama Agama (Agama Batu Kepala Merah) • African Spurred Tortoise • ArsinoitheriumAmebelodons • Black Rhinoceros • Botswanan Long-eared Bat • Banded Mongoose • Bohor Reedbuck • Black-backed Jackal • Black-Necked Spitting Cobra • Blue Wildebeest • Blackness-Tailed Prairie Canis familiaris • Mutual Warthog • Cattle Egret • Ostritch • Cape Bushbuck • Crested Porcupine • Common Chimpanzee • Chacma Birdie • Common Hippopotamus • Domestic Water Buffalo] • Dragonfly • Egyptian Cobra • Ethiopian Wolf • Elk • Emperor Scorpion • Iv-toed Hedgehog • Fire Skink • Greater Kudu • Gemsbok • Behemothic Eland • Gray Crowned Crane • Great Blue Turaco • Behemothic African Snail • Green Bee-Eater • Greater Flamingo • Grant's Zebra • Grey-Headed Bushshrike • Greylag Goose • Genet • Ground Pangolin • Gynanisa MajaGlossina Morsitans Morsitans • Behemothic Teratorns • Honey Annoy • Hippopotamus • Housefly • Hamerkop • Horned Gopher • Impala • Klipspringer • Kelenken • Ladybug • Lesser Egyptian JerboaLygodactylus Williamsi • Meerkat • Mandrill • Morpho Butterfly • Martial Eagle • Macroeuphractus • Moeritheriums • Nile Crocodile • NuttaliellaOxpecker • Okapi • Olive Baboon • Plains Zebra • Pied Crow • Paraceratheriums • Quagga • Carmine-Crowned Crane • Ruppell'south Vulture • Rock Hyrax • Rock Monitor Lizard • Reticulated Giraffe • Spotted Hyena • Sable Antelope • Senegal Bushbaby • Scrub Hare • Serval • Southern Carmine Bishop • Sclerophrys RegularisSmith's Cherry Rock HareScincus ScincusSmilodon • Thomson'due south Gazelle • Tanzanian Ruby-red-billed Hornbill • Trachylepis StriataTrachylepis SulcataTrachylepisTrachylepis Quinquetaeniata • Veiled Chameleon • Vervet Monkey • W African GiraffeWhite-Backed VultureWildebeest • Western Honey Bee • Western Yellow WagtailWhite-Necked Raven • White Rhino • Yellow-Billed Stork • Xanthous BaboonYellowish Golden MoleZanzibar Ruby-red Colobus
African Rainforest
Okapi •
Boobie Bird • Common Dark-brown Lemur • Fossa • Behemothic Tortoise • Komodo Dragon • Mouse LemurMadagascan Flying Fox • Nile Crocodile • Phoenicopterus Flamingo • Ring-Tailed Lemur • Sifaka Lemur • Tomato Frog • Tenrecs
Snow Mountain
Giant Panda •
Bamboo Mountain
Behemothic Panda • TBD
Rocky Cave
North-Chinese Leopard
Dingo • Eastern Greyness Kangaroo • Koala • KookaburraMegabat • Cherry-red Kangaroo • Short-Beaked Echidna


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